What types of donations does The Undies Project accept?
We accept new bras; new women's and girls panties; new men's and boy's boxers and briefs. We cannot accept thongs, pyjamas, camisoles and leisure wear. Socks, men's and boy's under shirt t-shirts are acceptable.
What are the most needed items?
All ages and sizes of men's, women's and children's underwear are needed but the most under donated are men's and boy's.
How can I donate new undergarments?
You can purchase from our Amazon Wish List and have them sent directly to us or you can make your own purchase and mail it to us at 10 Steep Hollow Lane, Cos Cob CT 06807.
Can I donate gently used bras?
Sadly, we can no longer accept gently used bras as our partner agencies are no longer taking them. This article on earth911.com offers suggestions as to how, and where, to recycle used bras. Check out The Bra Recyclers, Free the Girls and Bras for a Cause who all accept gently used bras. You may also be able to find fabric recycling bins in your local area.
Can I donate an opened pack of underwear?
Yes, as long as the remaining pairs have never been worn or laundered.
Can I donate new underwear if it is not in a pack, has never been worn and does not have tags on?
Unfortunately we cannot accept these items, but maybe a shelter or clothing distribution center near you will accept them.
Can I donate used underwear?
Used underwear does not provide the hygiene, dignity and self esteem that new underwear does. We cannot donate used underwear. Used underwear can be recycled.
Do you donate to individuals?
We donate to organizations who serve those in need, not directly to individuals. For a list of our current partner agencies see here.
Do you prefer product or monetary donations?
Either is great to support our mission! However, with monetary donations we can purchase more underwear for the dollar through our wholesalers. To make a monetary donation click here.
How does my organization become a partner agency to receive donations?
Contact us at info@theundiesproject.org to request an application form. Your organization must be located in the Tri -State area (NY, NJ, CT) and must be able to pick up donations from our CT location.
If I am unable to pick up from Cos Cob can you ship donations to me?
Unfortunately, we cannot ship as we do not currently have the resources for this type of expense.
If you have any other questions not covered here please contact us at info@theundiesproject.org.